Saturday, March 15, 2025 – Padilla Bay/Samish Flats Field Trip – 8:30 am – 12 noon
Trip Leader: Libby Mills;
Meet at the parking lot of the Padilla Bay Interpretive Center, 10441 Bayview-Edison Rd., Mt. Vernon, at 8:30 am (when the bathrooms unlock) for a morning of birding the gentle upland trails and bay viewpoint. All levels of birders are encouraged and welcome! The Interpretive Center has binoculars to loan to beginners with ID. We will be seeking upland songbirds, birds of prey, and waterfowl. This trip includes a drive onto the Samish Flats to look for other species, including raptors. Discover Pass required for some parking areas. Dress for the weather and no pre-registration is required. Contact Libby with questions.