Local Legislators and Actions
Find your Washington State legislative representative or senator here:
Track Washington State legislation here:
Note that there are several ways to communicate your opinion on legislation:
1. You can go to the website for each legislator and phone or email them or send a letter. Legislators are most attentive to communications from their own constituents. Go to: How to send a message to a legislator. To find your legislative district, go to Washington State Legislature.
2. You can go to the page for the particular bill and find “Send a comment on this bill to your legislators” in a dark green rectangle. Communicating your opinion is particularly important when your elected official is on a committee considering the particular bill. When you find your district (Washington State Legislature), your legislators’ names will appear. Click on each name to go to information about them including the names of the committees on which they serve.
3. Until shortly before a committee hearing, you can register “Pro” or “Con” on a bill without testifying or you can send written comments or register to testify remotely. (Note You cannot indicate your position preceding an executive session of the committee.) At the webpage for the bill in which you are interested (enter the bill number at Bills, meetings, and session), if there is a committee hearing scheduled, you will see, in a dark green box, “Sign up to Testify/Submit Written Testimony”. Click there to go to a page titled “Senate (or House) Committee Sign In.” Check the bill on which you wish to comment. Then “Select Type of Testimony.” Clicking on “I would like my position noted for the legislative record” will take you to a page where you can indicate you are “Pro” or “Con” on the bill but do not wish to testify. You can also choose to submit written or live testimony.
Washington’s 25 Audubon chapters provide state-wide reach for addressing issues in every legislative district. Skagit County alone overlaps three districts: the 10th, 39th, and 40th with a wide range of political perspectives among its elected officials. Sign up for Audubon Washington’s action alerts to add your voice in support of Audubon’s goals: Join Our Action Network | Audubon Washington
Find your US legislative representative or senator here:
Track US legislation here: