Owl Photo by Rosi Jansen

White-throated Sparrow, spotted by Joe Halton 11/21/2024 Cap Sante area, Anacortes

 Member Sightings

Compiled by Ann Skinner


 This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph.  A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings.

 Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org

For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website (Birding menu, Bird Sightings submenu).

Long-tailed Duck (13) CB, 12/1 (TM)
Red-breased Merganser (20) CB, 12/1 (TM)
Barrow’s Goldeneye (7) CB, 12/1 (TM)
Common Goldeneye (2) CB, 12/1 (TM)

Brandt’s Cormorant (48) N. Beach GI, 12/8 (TM)

Sandhill Crane (1) Sunset & Thomas Rd. BE, 12/1 (MS/JS) Rare

Short-eared Owl (5) East 90, 12/1 (MS/JS)
Great-horned Owl, (2) SA, 12/8 (MS/JS)

American Kestrel (2) East 90, 12/1 (MS/JS)

Northern Shrike (1) SICA, 11/28 (TM)

Varied Thrush (2) SA, 11/30, (MS/JS)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (3) SA, 11/30 (MS/JS)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (2) ACFL, 12/7 (AS/RK)

Lincoln’s Sparrow (1) SICA, 11/28 (TM)
Pine Sisken (20) SA, 11/22 (MS/JS)

Western Meadowlark (4) East 90, 12/1(MS/JS)
Red-winged Blackbird (35) SA, 11/27 (MS/JS)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (10) SICA, 11/28 (TM)

 (ACFL) Anacortes Forestlands; (BE) Bow-Edison(CB) Clayton Beach; (EFI) East Fidalgo Island; (GI) Guemes Island; (LHMV) Lincoln Hill Mount Vernon; (SICA) Samish Island Conservation Area.; (SA) Stanwood Area; (WS) Wyley Slough; (HTA) Howard and Thais Armstrong; (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker;  (AS) Ann Skinner; (RK) Randy King; (TM) Tim Manns

Skagit Audubon Field Notes

Compiled by Ann Skinner


This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph.  A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings.

Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org

For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website (Birding menu, Bird Sightings submenu).

Tundra Swan (15) 11/2, LHMV (BC)
Green-winged Teal (3000+) GI Marsh, 11/2 (TM)

Wilson’s Snipe (3) WS, 10/24 (KW/JW)

Jaeger (sp.) (1) GI, 11/2 (TM) Rare Sighting

Bonaparte’s Gull (8), Kelly’s Pt, GI, 11/2 (TM)

Sora (2) (vocalization) WS, 10/24 (KW/JW)
Virginia Rail (1) (vocalization) 11/4, WS (KW/JW)

Cooper’s Hawk (1) LHMV, 11/14 (TM)
Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk (1) SIR, 11/10 (AW)
Rough-legged Hawk (1) SIR, Chuckanut 11/10 (AW)

Great-horned Owl (2) (hooting) SA, 10/22-23, 30-31 (MS/JS)

Prairie Falcon (1) Samish Island 11/7 (HTA)
Merlin (1) Colony Rd. 11/10 (AW)
American Kestrel (4) Chuckanut, 11/10 (AW)

California Scrub-Jay (2) LHMV, throughout the period (TM)

Mountain Chickadee (1) CBT, 11/3 (KW/JW)

White-throated Sparrow (1+) WS, 10/21 & 10/24 (KW/JW); CS, 11/21 (JH)
American Goldfinch (5) SA, 10/25 (MS/JS)
Lincoln’s Sparrow (2) SF, 10/30 (TM)
Pine Siskin (75-100) EFI, 10/30 (AS/RK)

Townsend’s Warbler (1) SA, 10/25 (MS/JS)

(CS) Cap Sante, Anacortes (CBT) Clayton Beach Trail; (EFI) East Fidalgo Island; (GI) Guemes Island; (LHMV) Lincoln Hill Mount Vernon;(SIR) Samish Island Rd.; (SF) Samish Flats  (SA) Stanwood Area; (WS) Wyley Slough; (HTA) Howard and Thais Armstrong; (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker;  (AS) Ann Skinner; (RK) Randy King; (BC) Brenda Cunningham; (TM) Tim Manns (KW) Keith Wiggers; (JW) Janice Wiggers; (AW) Andrea Warner; (JH) Joe Halton

Compiled by Ann Skinner

 This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph.  A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings. Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org

For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website (Birding menu, Bird Sightings submenu).

Coopers Hawk (1) SA, daily (MS/JS)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (1) SA, 9/30 (MS)

Northern Pygmy Owl (1) SA, 10/13 (MS)

Red-breasted Sapsucker (1) SA, 10/13 (MS/JS)
Northern Flicker (5) SA, daily (MS/JS)

Hutton’s Vireo (1) SA, 10/10 (MS)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (2) SA, 10/8 (MS)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (5) SA, 10/8 (MS)

Varied Thrush (1) SA, 10/13 (MS)

Red-breasted Nuthatch (2) SA, daily (MS/JS)
Brown Creeper (1) SA, 10/10 (MS)

Cedar Waxwing (2) SA, 10/13 (MS/)

White-throated Sparrow (1) CI, 10/9 (PP)

Black-throated Gray Warbler (2) SA, 9/3 (MS/JS)

 (CI) Camano Island; (SA) Stanwood Area;  (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker;  (PP) Pam Pritzl

Compiled by Ann Skinner

 Summer 2024

 This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph.  A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings.

 Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website (Birding menu, Bird Sightings submenu).

Spotted Sandpiper (3) CD, 8/2 (MS/JS)
Greater Yellowlegs (5) CD, 8/13 (MS/JS)
Long-billed Dowitcher (9) CD, 8/2 (MS/JS)
Black-bellied Plover (2) Crockett Lk., 7/8 (MS/JS)
Least Sandpiper (3) CD, 8/2 (MS/JS)

American White Pelican (100) Crockett Lk., 7/8 (MS/JS)

Barred Owl (2) FESP, 7/17(MS/JS)

Red-breasted Sapsucker (1) SA, 8/10 (MS/JS)

Belted Kingfisher (1) CD, 8/2 (MS/JS)

Red-breasted Nuthatch (2) EFI, daily (AS/RK)
Brown Creeper (7) FESP, 7/16 (MS/JS)

Cedar Waxwing (2) SA, 8/13 (MS/JS)

Spotted Towhee (2+) EFI, (new family) daily (AS/RK)
Dark-eyed Junco (5+) EFI, (new family) daily (AS/RK)

Wilson’s Warbler (5) SA, daily (MS/JS)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (1) SA, 8/5 (MS/JS)

Western Tanager (2) SA, 8/8 (MS/JS)


(BBP) Big Beaver Pond-Anacortes Forest Lands; (BLCA) Barney Lake Conservation Area; (BMR) Beaver Marsh Rd.; (BUR) Burlington; (CI) Camano Island; (CISP) Camano Island State Park; (CS) Cap Sante; (CD) Channel Drive; (CL) Cranberry Lake; (EFI) East Fidalgo Island; (FMR/AWR) Farm to Market & Allen West Rd; (FIFR) Fir Island Farm Reserve; (FS) Fisher Slough; (FESP) Fort Ebey State Park; (GV) Guemes Valley; (LSP) Larrabee State Park; (MV) Mount Vernon; (NSRA) Northern State Recreation Area (PB) Padilla Bay; (PTF) Pilchuck Tree Farm; (RS) Rosario Strait; (SF) Samish Flats  (SHIP) Ship Harbor; (SA) Stanwood Area; (SPS) Snow Goose Produce Stand, Fir Island; (W-90) West 90;  (WP) Washington Park; (WLTH) Whistle Lake Trailhead (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker;  (AS) Ann Skinner; (RK) Randy King:

Compiled by Ann Skinner

 4/15/24 through 5/20/24

 This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph.  A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings.

 Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org. For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website (Birding menu, Bird Sightings submenu).

Band-tailed Pigeon (6) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)

American White Pelican (15) PB, 5/12 (LM)

Hairy Woodpecker (2) EFI, daily (AS/RK)
Pileated Woodpecker (1) CS, 5/13 (JH)

Western Wood-Pewee (1) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
Western Flycatcher (2) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)

Warbling Vireo (1) CS, 5/12 (JH)

Tree Swallows (2+) EFI, daily (AS/RK)

Golden-crowned Kinglet (3) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)

Red-breasted Nuthatch (2) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)

Swainson’s Thrush (1) CS, 4/27 (JH); (2) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)

Pacific Wren (2) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
Bewick’s Wren (2) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)

Golden-crowned Sparrow (1) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
Spotted Towhee (5) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
White-crowned Sparrow (3) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
Leucistic Song Sparrow (1) CS, 5/13 (JH)

Wilson’s Warbler (3) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
MacGillvray’s Warbler (1) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
Orange-crowned Warbler (2) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (1) CS, 4/24 (JH)

Western Tanager (1) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS); CS, 5/16 (JH)
Black Headed Grosbeak (3) SA, 5/12 (MS/JS)
Lazuli Bunting (1) CS, 5/20 (JH)


(BBP) Big Beaver Pond-Anacortes Forest Lands; (BLCA) Barney Lake Conservation Area; (BMR) Beaver Marsh Rd.; (BUR) Burlington; (CI) Camano Island; (CISP) Camano Island State Park; (CS) Cap Sante; (CD) Channel Drive; (CL) Cranberry Lake; (EFI) East Fidalgo Island; (FMR/AWR) Farm to Market & Allen West Rd; (FIFR) Fir Island Farm Reserve; (FS) Fisher Slough; (GV) Guemes Valley; (LSP) Larrabee State Park; (MV) Mount Vernon; (NSRA) Northern State Recreation Area (PB) Padilla Bay; (PTF) Pilchuck Tree Farm; (RS) Rosario Strait; (SF) Samish Flats  (SHIP) Ship Harbor; (SA) Stanwood Area; (SPS) Snow Goose Produce Stand, Fir Island; (W-90) West 90;  (WP) Washington Park; (WLTH) Whistle Lake Trailhead (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker; (; (JH) Joe Halton(AS) Ann Skinner; (RK) Randy King: (LM) Libby Mills

Compiled by Ann Skinner

 3/14/24 through 4/15/24

This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph.  A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings.

 Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org

 For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website (Birding menu, Bird Sightings submenu).

Snow Geese (2 large flocks) SPS, 4/8/24 (RK)

California Quail (2) EFI, Most days (AS/RK)

Band-tailed Pigeon (1) SA, 4/9 (MS/JS)
Eurasian Collared Dove (1) SA, 4/6 (MS/JS)

Northern Harrier (1) NSRA, 4/7 (YH)
Turkey Vulture (1) SA, 4/10 (MS/JS)

Hairy Woodpecker (1) EFI, 4/13 (AS/RK)
Red-breasted Sapsucker (1) NSRA, 4/5 (RH)

Purple Martin (5) SHIP, 4/13 (SAFT)

Brown Creeper (1) SA, 3/8 (MS)

Pacific Wren (2) SA, 4/10 (MS/JS)
Bewick’s Wren (2) SA, 4/4 (MS/JS)

American Goldfinch (2) SA, 4/10 (MS/JS)
Fox Sparrow (1) SA, 4/3 (MS/JS)

Savannah Sparrow (1) W-90, 4/11 (MS/JS)
Purple Finch (1) CS, 4/10 (JH)

Common Yellowthroat (1) W90, 4/11 (MS/JS)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (1) CS, 4/9 & 4/10 (JH)


(BBP) Big Beaver Pond-Anacortes Forest Lands; (BLCA) Barney Lake Conservation Area; (BMR) Beaver Marsh Rd.; (BUR) Burlington; (CI) Camano Island; (CISP) Camano Island State Park; (CS) Cap Sante; (CD) Channel Drive; (CL) Cranberry Lake; (EFI) East Fidalgo Island; (FMR/AWR) Farm to Market & Allen West Rd; (FIFR) Fir Island Farm Reserve; (FS) Fisher Slough; (GV) Guemes Valley; (LSP) Larrabee State Park; (MV) Mount Vernon; (NSRA) Northern State Recreation Area (PB) Padilla Bay; (PTF) Pilchuck Tree Farm; (RS) Rosario Strait; (SF) Samish Flats  (SHIP) Ship Harbor; (SA) Stanwood Area; (SPS) Snow Goose Produce Stand, Fir Island; (W-90) West 90;  (WP) Washington Park; (WLTH) Whistle Lake Trailhead (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker; (AW) Andrea Warner; (JH) Joe Halton(SAFT) Skagit Audubon Field Trip; (RH) Ramona Hammerly; (TM) Tim Manns; (AS) Ann Skinner; (RK) Randy King (YH) Yvonne Houppermans

Compiled by Ann Skinner

 2/14/24 through 3/15/24

This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph.  A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings.

Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org

For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website (Birding menu, Bird Sightings submenu).

Trumpeter Swan (2) 536/BMR, 3/15 (RK)

Black Turnstones 50) Semiahmoo Spit, 3/2 (MS/JS)
Black Oystercatcher (2) Rosario, 3/4 (MS/JS)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (1) EFI, 2/21 (RW)
Cooper’s Hawk (1) EFI, 2/21 (RW)
Northern Harrier (1) FMR/AWR, 3/14 (RK/AS)

Barn Owl (1) FMR/AWR, 3/14 (RK/AS)

Downy Woodpecker (2) EFI, 2/21 (RW)
Pileated Woodpecker (2) EFI, 2/21 (RW)

Common Raven (6) EFI, 2/21 (RW)

Golden-crowned Kinglet (5) SA, 3/8 (MS/JS)

Brown Creeper (1) SA, 3/8 (MS)

Varied Thrush (1) SA, 3/1 (MS/JS)

Purple Finch (2) EFI, 3/13 (AS)

Chestnut-backed Chickadee (2) EFI, 3/15 (AS)



(BBP) Big Beaver Pond-Anacortes Forest Lands; (BLCA) Barney Lake Conservation Area; (BMR) Beaver Marsh Rd.; (BUR) Burlington; (CI) Camano Island; (CISP) Camano Island State Park; (CS) Cap Sante; (CD) Channel Drive; (CL) Cranberry Lake; (EFI) East Fidalgo Island; (FMR/AWR) Farm to Market & Allen West Rd; (FIFR) Fir Island Farm Reserve; (FS) Fisher Slough; (GV) Guemes Valley; (LSP) Larrabee State Park; (MV) Mount Vernon; (PB) Padilla Bay; (PTF) Pilchuck Tree Farm; (RS) Rosario Strait; (SF) Samish Flats  (SHIP) Ship Harbor; (SA) Stanwood Area; (WP) Washington Park; (WLTH) Whistle Lake Trailhead (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker; (AW) Andrea Warner; (BC) Brenda Cunningham;  (SAFT) Skagit Audubon Field Trip; (RH) Ramona Hammerly; (TM) Tim Manns; (AS) Ann Skinner; (RK) Randy King

Compiled by Ann Skinner

1/14/24 through 2/20/24

This column reports a summary of selected sightings. Rare sightings should be submitted with detailed written documentation and if possible, a photograph. A second person to verify rare sightings is encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact any observer to help document unusual sightings.

Please submit your sightings to birdsightings@skagitaudubon.org

For recent updates on bird sightings, check out ABA Tweeters and Skagit County Ebird List on the SAS website.

Harlequin Duck (6) Rosario, 1/28 (MS/JS)
Cackling Goose (150) BLCA, 2/10 (TM)
Ruddy Duck (30) BLCA, 2/10 (TM)
Hooded Merganser (8) GVM, 2/3 (TM)
Whooper Swan* (1) Allen West Rd. (W of Avon Allen Rd) 2/18 & 2/20 (PM) & (RK/AS)
*Rare Sighting in Skagit County

Three Whooper Swans feeding on grass in a field

whooper swan

Photo by Paul Anderson

Wilson’s Snipe (2) SA, 1/20 (MS/JS)
Black Oystercatcher (2) Rosario, 1/28 (MS/JS)

Common Loon (2) Rosario, 1/28 (MS/JS)

Short-eared Owl E-90, 2/9, (MS/JS)

Belted Kingfisher (1) Rosario, 1/28 (MS/JS)

Red-breasted Sapsucker (1) SA, 2/1 (MS/JS)

American Kestrel (1) E-90, 2/9 (MS/JS)

Northern Shrike (1) BLCA, 2/2 (TM)

California Scrub-jay (1) MV, daily (TM)

Brown Creeper (1) SA, 2/1 (MS)

Varied Thrush (4) WLTH, 2/10 (AS/RK)

Purple Finch (1) CS, 2/1 (JH)

Western Meadowlark (9) E-90, 2/9 (MS/JS)

Townsend’s warbler, (1) Hillcrest Park MV, 2/2 (TM)
Yellow-rumped Warbler, (1) SA, 2/10 (MS)

(BBP) Big Beaver Pond-Anacortes Forest Lands; (BLCA) Barney Lake Conservation Area; (BUR) Burlington; (CI) Camano Island; (CISP) Camano Island State Park; (CS) Cap Sante; (CD) Channel Drive; (CL) Cranberry Lake; (EFI) East Fidalgo Island; (FIFR) Fir Island Farm Reserve; (FS) Fisher Slough; (GV) Guemes Valley; (LSP) Larrabee State Park; (MV) Mount Vernon; (PB) Padilla Bay; (PTF) Pilchuck Tree Farm; (RS) Rosario Strait; (SF) Samish Flats (SHIP) Ship Harbor; (SA) Stanwood Area; (WP) Washington Park; (WLTH) Whistle Lake Trailhead (JS) Jeff Sinker; (MS) Mary Sinker; (AW) Andrea Warner; (BC) Brenda Cunningham; (SAFT) Skagit Audubon Field Trip; (RH) Ramona Hammerly; (TM) Tim Manns; (AS) Ann Skinner; (RK) Randy King; (PM) Pam Myers