Above-SAS Members clean and repair Purple Martin boxes at Ship Harbor

About Skagit Audubon

Female Northern Harrier

Female Northern Harrier - Photo by Yvonne Houppermans

Audubon Society (SAS) has been serving the Skagit County region since 1983 and is one of 25 Audubon chapters in Washington State. SAS is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization.

Skagit Audubon is one of nearly 500 chapters of the National Audubon Society.

Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity.  

Skagit Audubon Society works hard to increase public appreciation for birds and wildlife and their habitat in a variety of ways including:

  •    Monthly programs by informative speakers on a variety of wildlife and conservation topics

  •    Birding field trips and weekly hikes

  •    The Skagit Flyer  is published monthly, September through June

  •    A variety of educational programs in schools and the community

  •    Focus on conservation issues in Skagit County and in our region

We welcome the public to join us in these activities as we watch birds, protect habitat and connect with nature.

Click Here to see a list of our Board Members

Click Here to see a copy of our bylaws.