Welcome to Skagit Audubon Programs

General membership meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm.
In person meetings are typically presented at the Padilla Bay Interpretive Center, 10441 Bayview-Edison Rd., Mt. Vernon. Other meetings may be available by Zoom only. Please check the specific program listing below for the time and location of the current meeting.

SCAM ALERT! Our monthly programs on Zoom are always FREE! Any prompt during registration on Zoom to collect any financial or payment information is a scam (and out of our control).




Presented by: Jeff Kozma, Wildlife Biologist

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 7:00 pm 

Pre-registration required; see below

The featured speaker for our March 11th  general meeting will be Jeff Kozma, a wildlife biologist with Yakama National Fisheries and a member of the WDFW Wildlife Diversity Advisory Council. Jeff specializes in field research regarding the reproductive biology of the White-headed Woodpecker and other cavity-nesting birds.

In Washington, the White-headed Woodpecker is listed as a species of concern due to its association with old-growth ponderosa pine forests. Although White-headed Woodpeckers have recently been documented inhabiting early to mid-seral managed forests, information is limited regarding their reproductive success and general ecology in these forests.

Jeff will present brief highlights from his research including nest-site characteristics, reproductive success, and nestling provisioning (i.e., who feeds the kids and what are they feeding them). He will also present a summary of findings from a long-term banding study he has been conducting since 2011 investigating adult longevity and information on juvenile dispersal from a colleague’s research. If you ever wanted to know more about the White-headed Woodpecker, this presentation is for you!

TO ATTEND THIS EVENT, PRE-REGISTER WITH THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://bit.ly/4gJpAU8.  Pre-registration is required.  You will receive a link to attend the event after you have registered.

NOTE: Our monthly programs are free and any request for payment during registration is fraudulent.

Contact programs@skagitaudubon.org with questions or problems with registration. The program will be recorded, and we look forward to seeing you!


2024-2025 SKAGIT AUDUBON SCHEDULED PROGRAM SPEAKERS, from Ann Kramer, Program Chair

This season we have an exciting and energetic group of speakers with expertise on a range of issues, including how bird populations are affected by natural occurrences and  human behavior.  Please note this schedule may be subject to change.

April 8, 2025:  Steve Hampton, How Birds are Responding, and Sometimes not Responding to Rapid Climate Change  Steve will discuss the recent research gathered from the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) and North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) to explore what changes are already happening for birds, with a focus on the PNW, including how birds are shifting migration paths, timing of migration, physically evolving to adapt and how some are unable to cope with rapid climate shifts. Zoom

May 13, 2025: Dr. Christopher Tonra, Ohio State UniversityAmerican Dipper and Salmon Restoration: How Barriers to Salmon Migration Change Everything for a Songbird. Dr. Tonra will share his research on the impact salmon have on the survival, reproduction, body condition, and behavior of the American Dipper, as well as how they are impacted by dam removal.  Zoom

June 10, 2025: Our year end member program.  Stay tuned for more information!!!! In Person

Legacy Program Recordings:

January 2025: The recording of the Jan. program, “Baby Birds: An Artist Looks Into the Nest”, presented by Julie Zickefoose is now available for viewing here: https://youtu.be/HEaEKDFxQTc

November 2024 :  If you missed the Nov. 12th presentation “Adaptive Estuary Restoration of the Port Susan Bay Reserve” by Amber Parmenter, Stewardship Manager for The Nature Conservancy, it may be viewed at the following link:  https://youtu.be/rnZmw9oRJ0U Please also see this short fact sheet on the restoration project at the Port Susan Bay Reserve.


May 2024 Pacific Flyway Shorebird Conservation by River Gates