Welcome to Skagit Audubon Programs
General membership meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm.
In person meetings are typically presented at the Padilla Bay Interpretive Center, 10441 Bayview-Edison Rd., Mt. Vernon. Other meetings may be available by Zoom only. Please check the specific program listing below for the time and location of the current meeting.
Please join us for our first Zoom meeting of 2025 featuring the writer and author, artist and illustrator, lecturer, researcher and naturalist, nest-watcher and rehabilitator, Julie Zickefoose. Julie has been observing the changes of baby birds for over 20 years. Her blend of art and science explores the amazing growth process of nestlings through her in-depth observations and drawings.
You can purchase her books and see her art in advance of her Zoom presentation on her website, www.juliezickefoose.com. Her authored publications include those pictured here:
“Julie’s writing is like the song of a Swainson’s Thrush; it’s utterly natural, it’s beautiful, and it climbs to a higher plane. I wish I could write like that.” Kenn Kaufman, author of Lives of North American Birds and the Kaufman Focus Guide to North American Birds.
This month’s meeting will be remote only on Zoom. No in-person attendance. Pre-registration is required. After you register, you will receive an email with a link to sign in at the time the event begins.
To attend the Zoom event, please register at: https://bit.ly/41kLcm1. Please email programs@skagitaudubon.org with questions or if you have any problem registering.
We look forward to seeing you!
2024-2025 SKAGIT AUDUBON SCHEDULED PROGRAM SPEAKERS, from Ann Kramer, Program Chair
This season we have an exciting and energetic group of speakers with expertise on a range of issues and how bird populations are affected by natural occurrences and human behavior. Please note this schedule may be subject to change.
February 11, 2025: Connie Sidles, Hummingbirds, Masters of the Air. Connie always brings her wealth of information, illustrations and locations as well as entertaining bird vocalizations to her talks, this time to inform us about Hummingbirds and how to attract them. Zoom
March 11, 2025: Jeff Kozma, White-headed Woodpecker, 20 Years of Research on the White-headed Woodpecker. Always an energetic presenter, Jeff will share his information about nest-site characteristics, reproductive success, adult longevity and more from his 22-year study and banding of this fascinating species of concern. Zoom
April 8, 2025: Steve Hampton, How Birds are Responding, and Sometimes not Responding to Rapid Climate Change Steve will discuss the recent research gathered from the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) and North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) to explore what changes are already happening for birds, with a focus on the PNW, including how birds are shifting migration paths, timing of migration, physically evolving to adapt and how some are unable to cope with rapid climate shifts. Zoom
May 13, 2025: Dr. Christopher Tonra, Ohio State University. American Dipper and Salmon Restoration: How Barriers to Salmon Migration Change Everything for a Songbird. Dr. Tonra will share his research on the impact salmon have on the survival, reproduction, body condition, and behavior of the American Dipper, as well as how they are impacted by dam removal. Zoom
June 10, 2025: Our year end member program. Stay tuned for more information!!!! In Person
Legacy Program Recordings:
November 2024 : If you missed the Nov. 12th presentation “Adaptive Estuary Restoration of the Port Susan Bay Reserve” by Amber Parmenter, Stewardship Manager for The Nature Conservancy, it may be viewed at the following link: https://youtu.be/rnZmw9oRJ0U Please also see this short fact sheet on the restoration project at the Port Susan Bay Reserve.
May 2024 Pacific Flyway Shorebird Conservation by River Gates