Volunteer Opportunities
Band-tailed Pigeon Research
The population of Band-tailed Pigeons in Washington State appears to have been in decline for some time. Washington’s current State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) lists this native pigeon as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Priority Habitat and Species Program includes the Band-tailed Pigeon as a Priority Species.
From Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s webpage about this native pigeon (Pacific coast band-tailed pigeon | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife):
“During late spring of 2020, WDFW biologists began a project designed to track pigeon movements and use of select mineral springs. Mineral springs provide important minerals for pigeon digestion. Biologists captured and banded a total of 16 birds in coastal Washington. Birds received a federal band plus a colored/numbered band. Newly identified springs will be added to existing sites for monitoring along coastal and interior portions of the Olympic Peninsula. Future plans for this project include capturing additional pigeons, equipping them with GPS transmitters, and identifying their migration timing and winter use areas.”
Katie Soltysiak, Assistant District Biologist for WDFW’s North Puget Sound Region, plans to band these birds Skagit County and surrounding areas (and equip them with transmitters) next spring for this study. She hopes to do this where the pigeons congregate at backyard bird feeders. If you have Band-tailed Pigeons coming to feeders at any time of year please contact : Katherine.Soltysiak@dfw.wa.gov (564-676-1437).
Skagit Audubon thrives when our members give of their time and skills to help us. Whatever your talents are, we have many activities going on all year long and we could really use your help!!
Whether you have skills in helping at an event, birding id, planning activities, data entry, field trips, educating, or helping our leaders, there are many ways we can benefit from your skills. Perhaps you don’t even really know just yet what those skills are and where you can contribute them. Let us help you find out! You can share your time regularly, monthly, yearly, or on occasion with as little or as much as you wish. It’s up to you to set how much time you can give us. Our chapter, our leaders and the community habitat all will benefit and appreciate your time and energy.
If you’re interested, or just want to explore the options, contact us (please see page 2 of this newsletter or our website, www.skagitaudubon.org) , and explore ways you can help that fit into your schedule. We will be so happy to have you!!!