December 5, 2024 - Post Susan Bay Nature Conservancy Preserve Stanwood – 9 am until 12 noon
Trip Leaders: Amber Parmenter TNC and Jeff Osmundson;
Amber Parmenter, TNC, and Jeff Osmundson will lead a field trip to Port Susan Bay to view the estuary restoration Amber discussed at the November program. The project is quite impressive, and we will have a chance to see, on the ground, estuary restoration for salmon that also affects many of our birds, such as Snow Geese, swans, shorebirds, raptors and many more. Meet in the parking area of the preserve at the end of Boe Rd, south of Stanwood. The trip will involve a 1-mile walk on a flat dike (2 miles round trip.) Dress for the weather and bring binoculars and scopes if you have them. Don’t forget snacks and maybe warm drinks. To register for the trip please click on the link below: